

    SISTEMA GmbH is a privately-held company offering geospatial data access and exploitation services as well as thematic services in the field of atmospherics sciences.

    SISTEMA provides tools to facilitate the access and exploitation of a large variety of global environmental data such as Earth Observation data, climate simulations, local social-economical data; the EODATASERVICE platform reduces / removes the barriers to geospatial data access, providing a single interface for the different data collections.
    On top of this "horizontal" data access layer, thematic vertical applications for climate change, agriculture, cultural heritage safeguard, health and many others subjects, are developed by thematic experts. SISTEMA developed and operates a specific vertical application on Atmospheric Sciences providing collaborative analytical tools to jointly exploit the "data triangle" (satellite data, model data, ground stations).

  • National Observatory of Athens

    NOA is the research institute dealing with both pre-operational (derived from research studies) and applied/operational (Mature/High TRL) EO services. It has an internationally established reputation and excellent experience in the use of remote sensing and geographic information technology. The Institute through the establishment and operation of a Center of Excellence (BEYOND) focuses on several thematic areas (Agriculture, Energy, Climate) with a dominant role on Disaster Monitoring.

    The Institute for Astronomy Astrophysics Space Applications & Remote Sensing (IAASARS) of NOA, through its systematic participation to EC and ESA-funded projects, has achieved a considerable excellence in the area of EO-based environmental and natural disaster monitoring, management and capacity building during the last decade. It has been providing support for Emergency Planning and Emergency Support, and Disaster Recovery to Environmental Monitoring, Civil Protection and Public Governmental Authorities in Greece, while it has consistent participation to EC, ESA and GMES/Copernicus projects.

  • GeoVille

    Internationally operating company providing consultancy services and products related to remote sensing, geo-information and geographic information systems.

    GeoVille Information Systems GmbH (GeoVille) is an internationally operating company providing consultancy services and products related to remote sensing, geo-information and geographic information systems. GeoVille's mission is to offer end-to-end EO-solutions with a particular emphasis on providing dedicated geo-information products tailored to customer needs.

  • GMV

    GMV is a privately owned technological business group with an international presence. Founded in 1984, GMV offers its solutions, services and products in very diverse sectors: Aeronautics, Banking and Finances, Space, Defense, Health, Cybersecurity, Intelligent Transportation Systems, Automotive, Telecommunications, and Information Technology for Public Administration and large corporations.

    GMV is one of the key European actors in geoscience research and geospatial information provision. Its research and information services provide input for decisions that impact upon resource use, management of the environment, and the safety and well-being of citizens.

  • Telespazio Vega UK

    Telespazio VEGA UK Ltd (TVUK) is a highly experienced consulting, technology and engineering services business, supporting satellite operators and manufacturers worldwide and helping organisations benefit from space data and services.

    Founded in 1978, TVUK delivers the high value, quality systems and services expected by our customers, providing expertise in the areas of Satellite Systems and Applications, Geo Information Data, Satellite Operations, Network and Connectivity, and Earth Observation & Climate. We have nearly 40 years’ of experience supporting both institutional and commercial EO programmes worldwide, ranging from feasibility studies to the operations of remote sensing satellites. As well as providing a comprehensive data quality service to ESA for all its EO missions, our expertise helps provide innovative technologies to monitor the on-going effects of weather patterns, population growth, security, biological and geological variation across the globe.

  • Acclimatise

    Acclimatise is a specialist advisory and analytics company providing expertise in climate change adaptation and risk management.

    Acclimatise bridges the gap between the latest scientific developments and real-world decision-making, helping clients introduce cost-effective measures to prepare for the challenges that climate change will bring. The company has built up a vast knowledge base from successfully delivering hundreds of projects in over seventy countries and deploys this experience on any project, whether it is a climate risk and vulnerability assessment, adaptation planning framework, navigating climate finance opportunities, communicating about climate change or building the business case for adaptation through economic analysis.