Capacity Building for WBG

Rainfall Explorer - Using satellite data to complement flood risk analysis for project due diligence


  • Yunziyi Lang - Climate Change Analyst - World Bank | Climate Change Knowledge Portal (CCKP)
  • Manu Sharma  - Multilateral Investement Guarantee Agency (MIGA)
  • Richard Bater - Senior Associate, Willis Towers Watson
  • Mohamad Nobakht - Senior Earth Observation System Engineer, Telespazio Vega UK
  • Anestis Trypitsidis - Research Associate & PM, National Observatory of Athens

Date: 09 February 2021

You can download the webinar flyer here


    You can access the Rainfall Explorer Tool here



      Webinar aims

      The aim of this webinar is to introduce a new tool that provides access to near-real time satellite information on global rainfall events, and will ease the process to assess if a region is flood prone and the size and type of rainfall event that typically results in flooding.  


      Webinar learning outcomes

      • Learn about satellite data, sources, methods for access, and limitations EO-driven services add value throughout the project cycle
      • Introduction to the Rainfall Explorer and its role in complementing WBG project due diligence
      • Become familiarized with key concepts (e.g. return level and return period)
      • Learn, through two case studies, how the Rainfall Explorer tool affords high resolution flood risk analysis


      Webinar content

      • Setting the scene, the context and the purpose of this webinar
      • Introducing key definitions and the Rainfall Explorer tool
      • Case Studies in which the Rainfall Explorer tool is being showcased
      • Discussion & Q&A


      Difficulty level



      Prerequisites for the webinar

      • Basic knowledge of statistics and probability distributions
      • Basic knowledge of Earth Observation
      • Basic knowledge of Climate Change
      • Interest in Flood risk analysis


      Further readings and resources

      • EO4SD CR Capacity building Material, Link.
      • EO4SD CR Rainfall Explorer Tool, Link.
      • EO4SD-CR Delivery_Document_Precipitation_Return_Level_ERA5_v2.0, Link.
      • Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) (2017): ERA5: Fifth generation of ECMWF atmospheric reanalysis of the global climate . Copernicus Climate Change Service Climate Data Store (CDS), date of access, Link.
      • NASA: Generalized Extreme Value Distribution and Calculation of Return Value, Link.
      • Wikipedia Generalized Extreme Value Distribution, Link.


      Presentation material

      Please download all presentations from the following, Link. 

      Recording of the webinar

      If you want to download the video, please click here.


      Webinar Statistics:

      • Event Category: On-demand webinar
      • Status: Completed
      • Number of participants: 49
      • Date/Duration: 9th February 2021 / 75 minutes
      • Location: Remote (Zoom Webinar)
      • Participant Compatibility Level: 2. New or potential user with training in EO


      About the EO4SD Climate Resilience Cluster

      Earth Observation for Sustainable Development (EO4SD) is an ESA initiative that aims to increase the uptake of EO-based information in development operations at national and international levels. The EO4SD Climate Resilience Cluster aims to help development partners upgrade their tools and skills in order to accomplish their climate resilience obejctives.