Capacity Building for AGRHYMET

This page includes the material on Capacity Building generated by the EO4SD climate cluster for AGRHYMET. AGRHYMET is a specialized agency of the Permanent Inter-State Committee against Drought in the Sahel (CILSS) of thirteen countries are: Benin, Burkina Faso, Cape Verde, Chad, Ivory Coast, Gambia, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Mali, Mauritania , Niger, Senegal and Togo.


EO4SD CR Capacity Building activity for AGHRYMET 

  • Norman Kiesslich      - Senior Project Manager atGeoVille
  • Anestis Trypitsidis     - Research Associate & PM at National Observatory of Athens
  • Dr Carlos Domenech - Project Manager at GMV

Date: 20 January 2020


    Webinar aims

    The aim of this Workshop is the introduction and familiarization of AGRHYMET staff about the provision of EO based services in monitoring surface water and wetness demonstrated for two important areas of interest (Sirba and Pra).


    Webinar learning outcomes

    Technical staff of AGRHYMET will be informed of EO4SD CR cluster's:

    • Service specifcation,
    • User data sources (Sentine 1 & 2),
    • Means to generate the product,
    • Accuracy and Limitations
    • Transfer knowledge of how to extract valuable information &
    • Better understand future observations against the provided baseline.

    Webinar content

    • Context of the service provision
    • Definition of the provided service
    • Service specifications
    • Showcase examples of the surface water and wetness variability over space and time
    • Short and medium-term trend analysis


    Difficulty level



    Prerequisites for the webinar

    • Basic knowledge of earth observation & Satellite Mission
    • Basic knowledge of Climate Change
    • Interest in water resource management


    Further readings and resources

    • EO4SD CR Capacity building Material, Link.
    • Coperncicus Land Monitoring Service - Water & Wetness staatus, Link.


    Presentation material

    To download the presentation, please click here.


    Recording of the webinar

    Please click in the window below to play the video recorded during the webinar

    If you want to download the video, please click here.


    Webinar Statistics:

    • Event Category: On-demand training
    • Status: Completed
    • Number of participants: 4
    • Date/Duration: 20th January 2021 / 180 minutes
    • Location: Remote (Zoom Webinar)
    • Participant Compatibility Level: 2. New or potential user with training in EO


    About the EO4SD Climate Resilience Cluster

    Earth Observation for Sustainable Development (EO4SD) is an ESA initiative that aims to increase the uptake of EO-based information in development operations at national and international levels. The EO4SD Climate Resilience Cluster aims to help development partners upgrade their tools and skills in order to accomplish their climate resilience obejctives.