
EO4SD CR Capacity Building material

Here you will find the material on Capacity Building generated by the EO4SD climate cluster for engaged IFIs and client states. Please note that the presentations are formatted as ppsx to activate the slide show mode as you open the file (in order to facilitate the visualization of the animations).

All the available material is listed below:


1 - Earth Observation for Sustainable development initiative and Climate Resilience Project

The aim of this presentation is to provide answers on what Earth Observation is; how the EO data and services can contribute in assessing Climate Resilience to Sustainable Development projects. Additionally, in this package, the Earth Observation for Sustainable development (EO4SD) initiative and the EO4SD Climate Resilience (CR) cluster’s offerings will be presented.

Key aspects covered by this presentation include:

  • Introduction to Earth Observation (EO);
  • Earth Observation in Sustainable Development activities;
  • Contribution of EO data in assessing Climate Resilience to Sustainable Development projects;
  • EO4SD Climate Resilience cluster;
  • EO4SD Climate Resilience offerings.

Download the presentation from this link.

2 - Showcasing Climate Resilience through EO-based data and services

The aim of this presentation is to provide answers on what Earth Observation is; how the EO data and services can contribute in assessing Climate Resilience to Sustainable Development projects. Additionally, in this package, the Earth Observation for Sustainable development (EO4SD) initiative and the EO4SD Climate Resilience (CR) cluster’s offerings will be presented.This supporting material aims at showcasing in a narration of how EO-based data and services can contribute to Climate Resilience. Specific examples of EO best practices in the framework of climate resilience purposes will be presented.

Key aspects covered by this presentation include:

  • Introduction
  • Earth Observation (EO) Data in Support of Climate Information
  • EO Best practices

Download the presentation from this link.

3 - Adding value to the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S)

The scope of this presentation is to inform stakeholders about the Copernicus assets and data and core services along with other global open sourced data (integrated to EO4SD CR Platform), suitable for the assessment of climate risks.

Key aspects covered by this presentation include:

  • What is Copernicus programme;
  • Copernicus Data for EO4SD Climate Resilience CR;
  • Copernicus Services in Supporting EO4SD CR;
  • Access to EO data and products through EO4SD CR platform.

Download the presentation from this link.

4 - Portfolio of sectoral climate services

The aim of this presentation is to provide a comprehensive view of EO4SD CR cluster’s capacities in data and service availability. The EO-based products, the EO4SD CR platform and the EO4SD CR cluster’s customized EO-based services are presented.

Key aspects covered by this presentation include:

  • EO4SD Climate Resilience cluster’s service portfolio;
  • EO-based data and services to the EO4SD CR platform;
  • EO4SD CR cluster’s customized EO-based services;
  • EO-based data and service provision through EO4SD CR.

Download the presentation from this link.

5 - Introduce prototypes - EO-based climate services

The aim of this presentation is to provide a hint of different types of EO-based products, services and prototypes that EO4SD Climate Resilience cluster provided to stakeholders. More specifically, prototypes for West Africa, Liberia; Monrovia & Philippines will be presented.

Key aspects covered by this presentation include:

  • Introduction to EO-based services by EO4SD Climate Resilience Cluster;
  • Prototypes in West Africa;
  • Prototypes in Liberia - Monrovia;
  • Prototypes in Philippines.

Download the presentation from this link.

6 - Climate science, risks, and drivers to action

The purpose of this presentation is to summarise the scientific consensus on climate change, as well as associated risks and opportunities. Finally, the presentation will highlight key initiatives and trends in the legal and financial arenas that are spurring action on climate change.

Key aspects covered by this presentation include:

  • The science;
  • Climate risks and opportunities;
  • The legal and financial context.

Download the presentation from this link.

7 - Introduction to climate risk and vulnerability

The purpose of this presentation is to introduce the concepts of risk and resilience in a climate change context and will present ‘good practice’ approaches to managing climate-related risks.

Key aspects covered by this presentation include:

  • Introduction to risk and vulnerability;
  • Introduction climate resilience;
  • Approaches to assessing climate risks and opportunities;
  • Examples of ‘good practice’ climate risk assessment and resilience.

Download the presentation from this link.

8 - Using climate-related EO data in decision-making

The purpose of this presentation is to introduce how Earth Observation information can be used in decision-making processes, such as project preparation and monitoring and evaluation.

Key aspects covered by this presentation include:

  • Interpretation of EO information;
  • Use of EO data in building the investment case for resilience;
  • Mainstreaming EO into climate resilient decision-making: resources and organisational protocols;
  • Mainstreaming EO-data into decision-making processes: Examples.
  • Use of EO data in building the investment case fo resilience

Download the presentation from this link.

9 - EO4SD CR Platform Overview

This presentation aims at providing a brief overview of the Earth Observation for Sustainable development (EO4SD) Platform. This material will inform the various users about the data offer of the platform and how they can interact with it (different user interfaces).

Key aspects covered by this presentation include:

  • Framework of the EO4SD Climate Resilience CR Platform;
  • From ADAM platform to EO4SD CR Platform;
  • EO4SD CR Platform Interfaces: Web Explorer; Jupyter Notebook; APIS;
  • EO-based data offer through the EO4SD CR Platform;
  • EO-based data access through EO4SD CR Platform Interfaces.

Download the presentation from this link.

10 - Guidance for the graphical user Interface

The aim of this presentation is to present through slides and videos (voiced over) the functionalities that a user need to be aware of and follow, in order to quickly familiarized with the offered EO4SD CR platform’s graphical user interface.

Key aspects covered by this presentation include:

  • Platform usage prerequisites and basic steps;
  • The EO4SD CR Platform – Overview;
  • EO4SD CR Platform - Interface;
  • EO4SD CR Platform - Main Tabs.

Download the presentation from this link.

11 - Access to EO data, Model data and Products

The aim of this supporting material is to present (videos included) the collection of datasets and products that are available through the EO4SD CR Platform.

Key aspects covered by this presentation include:

  • Data discovery Tab in EO4SD CR Platform;
  • Add and activate data and products in EO4SD CR Platform;
  • Available data and products through EO4SD CR Platform.

Download the presentation from this link.

12 - Visualize and Analyze EO data

The aim of this supporting material is to present (videos included) step-by-step the process of how to visualize and analyze EO data in a specific Area of Interest.

Key aspects covered by this presentation include:

  • Visualize and Analyze EO data for Point-locations;
  • Visualize and Analyze EO data for Polygons (AOIs).

Download the presentation from this link.

13 - Evaluation and Creation of knowledge

Relying on the guidance of supporting package 12, the aim of this supporting material is to present (videos included) how to use available data and products for the evaluation and creation of knowledge. For this purpose, the case of Inner Niger Delta, Mali is presented.

Key aspects covered by this presentation include:

  • Introduction to the case of Inner Niger Delta, Mali;
  • Prototypes of Inner Niger Delta, Mali in EO4SD CR Platform;
  • Combination of datasets and Time Series Analysis.

Download the presentation from this link.

14 - Use of the Jupyter Notebook

The aim of this supporting material is to introduce Jupyter Notebook interface within the EO4SD CR Platform and provide some examples of data access, analysis and time series extraction in Jupyter Notebook.

Key aspects covered by this presentation include:

  • Introduction to Jupyter Notebook;
  • Data access, analysis and visualization in Jupyter Notebook.

Download the presentation from this link.

15 - Use of the Application programming Interface (API)

The aim of this supporting material is to introduce Application Programming Interface (API) supported by EO4SD CR Platform and provide some examples of data provision, time series analysis and statistics via APIs.

Key aspects covered by this presentation include:

  • What is an API?;
  • Use of the API in the framework of EO4SD CR;
  • Service provision via API;
  • Data provision .

Download the presentation from this link.