Capacity Building for Monrovia

Webinar Series for Monrovia city

Aim of Webinar Series

The purpose of this webinar series is to build local capacities in Monrovia City to Climate Change. This will be achieved through:

  • Awareness raising of Climate Change through tangible examples, covering basic definitions, the importance of CC and how to interpret/evaluate the change on the climate;
  • Introducing climate screening tools and how participants can use them and identify risks;
  • Earth Observation data, as an additional source that participants can benefit from;
  • Technical session in which participants will have hands-on activities (e.g. Web platform; QGIS etc.)

You can download the webinar flyer's here




    Since 2008, the European Space Agency (ESA) has worked closely with International Financial Institutions (IFIs) and their clients to harness the benefits of EO in their operations and resource management. EO4SD is an ESA initiative, which aims at increasing the uptake of EO-based information in both corporate tools and processes, and investment projects. Hence, EO4SD Climate Resilience cluster has the mandate to provide EO-based data and services, accompanied with Capacity Building activities, allowing to autonomously make use of EO-based information for climate resilience decision making.

    Webinar Series Plan

    The Modules proposed for local stakeholders in Greater Monrovia is listed below and will be hosted bi-weekly every Thursday at 14:00 GMT, starting 25th March 2020:


    Webinar 1: Introduction to Climate Change (Date: 25/3/2021; Duration: 30-45 minutes)

    Introductory webinar, as a starting point, to make a clear understanding of Climate Change fundamentals such as:

    • What Climate risk is?
    • What is an exposure and vulnerability?
    • How Climate change will affect citizens of Monrovia?
    • Introducing some key Climate Indicators.

    Key take away will be a basic idea of how to interpret the climate and evaluate the change on the climate.

    Presentation material

    Please download all presentations from the following, Link. 

    Recording of the webinar

    If you want to download the video, please click here.


    Webinar 1 Statistics:

    • Event Category: On-demand training
    • Status: Completed
    • Number of participants: 9
    • Date/Duration: 25th March 2021 / 50 minutes
    • Location: Remote (Zoom Webinar)
    • Participant Compatibility Level: 2. New or potential user with training in EO


    Webinar 2: How easy is to assess Climate change? (Date: 8/4/2021; Duration: 30-45 minutes)

    The second webinar will showcase how to assess climate change, through tangible use cases. Webinar will be comprised of the Identification of risks and a walkthrough of how to use available existing Risk tools (e.g. screening process / tools / resources).

    Presentation material

    Please download all presentations from the following, Link. 

    Recording of the webinar

    If you want to download the video, please click here.


    Webinar 2 Statistics:

    • Event Category: On-demand training
    • Status: Completed
    • Number of participants: 11
    • Date/Duration: 8th April 2021 / 50 minutes
    • Location: Remote (Zoom Webinar)
    • Participant Compatibility Level: 2. New or potential user with training in EO


    Webinar 3: How does Earth Observation contribute to Climate Resilience? (Date: 22/4/2021; Duration: 30-45 minutes)

    The third series will focus on how:

    • Earth Observation data and services can help to better identify / adapt / mitigate Climate risks – focusing on an example (Soil/Coastal erosion; Flood events) developed for Monrovia by EO4SD CR;
    • Participants can get benefit from Earth Observation data, services and applications, make them awareness of how they can have access and use them.

    Presentation material

    Please download all presentations from the following, Link. 

    You can download the EO based prototypes here


    Recording of the webinar

    If you want to download the video, please click here.


    Webinar 3 Statistics:

    • Event Category: On-demand training
    • Status: Completed
    • Number of participants: 5
    • Date/Duration: 22nd April 2021 / 45 minutes
    • Location: Remote (Zoom Webinar)
    • Participant Compatibility Level: 2. New or potential user with training in EO


    Webinar 4: Hands-on Session (Date: 6/5/2021; Duration: 30-45 minutes)

    The last webinar focuses on how to build the technical capacities of participants through available platforms, open GIS software and tools. Tailored exercises will conducted assisting participants:

    • To get familiarized with the platform, GIS s/w and tools (e.g. visualize, download, overlay, create a timeseries request etc.);
    • To learn techniques for extraction of data and time series;
    • To build knowledge about the type and use of EO-based climate data available;

    Presentation material

    Please download the presentation along with the additional material (Video, data and files) from the following, Link. 


    Recording of the webinar

    If you want to download the video, please click here.


    Webinar 4 Statistics:

    • Event Category: On-demand training
    • Status: Completed
    • Number of participants: 7
    • Date/Duration: 22nd April 2021 / 50 minutes
    • Location: Remote (Zoom Webinar)
    • Participant Compatibility Level: 2. New or potential user with training in EO