WB’s Innovate4Climate Virtual Conference

EO4SD-led panel discussion to take stock of the current situation regarding the use of EO data for the purpose of delivering climate resilience in the sustainable development domain


Register for the webinar here.


On 29th July at 10:00 EDT, an EO4SD-led panel discussion as part of the World Bank’s Innovate4Climate virtual conference will take stock of the use of Earth Observation (EO) data in climate resilience, and look to the future in regards to what development practitioners will find useful next in terms of EO products and services.
With numerous Essential Climate Variables now readily available from satellites - from sea level rise to soil moisture - EO has the potential to inform and facilitate climate resilient development around the globe, whether at a strategic level or during project design and implementation. Initiatives such as the EO for Sustainable Development (EO4SD), driven by the European Space Agency, are helping to break down the barriers to accessing and using EO data in every day decision making, and helping to ensure that development practitioners can make the most robust decisions in the face of an uncertain future. Already, this latter initiative has led to space data being mainstreamed into the decision tools of major International Financial Institutions, including the World Bank’s Climate Change Knowledge Portal. This panel brings together a diverse set of voices working at the cutting edge of EO-driven climate resilience. The panel will take stock of the advantages of EO in helping to build resilience in a development context, as well as set consider barriers and limitations yet to be overcome.


This panel discussion will crystallise the key applications and benefits of EO and set out the challenges for EO climate service providers regarding what they need to do to develop even more relevant products and services in future.

Objectives include

  • Introduce and encourage the use of earth observation (EO) products and services for the purposes of building climate resilience, particularly in a development setting
  • Catalyse the innovative deployment EO products and services across the project life cycle and across a range of decision-making contexts, from finance mobilisation to monitoring and evaluation
  • Enable our audience to learn about cost-effective EO climate data and platforms, and how these can be accessed and used.

Confirmed speakers include:

  • Samantha Burgess, Deputy Director (Copernicus Climate Change Service)
  • Ana Bucher, Senior Climate Change Specialist (World Bank)
  • Francois Kayitakire, Director of Research and Development (African Risk Capacity)
  • Carlos Domenech, Project Manager, Earth Observation for Sustainable Development - Climate resilience cluster (GMV)
  • Angelica Gutierrez, Co-chair, GEOGLOWS (NOAA)

Moderator: John Firth (Acclimatise) 
Introduction: Anna Burzykowska (ESA Technical Officer) 

Register for the webinar here.