
EO4SD CR Capacity Building frame

The primary goal of the capacity building (CB), under the EO4SD on Climate Resilience, is to foster the sustained uptake of EO-based data and services by IFIs (International Financial Institutions) and CS (Client States) to support climate change resilience. Specifically, the objectives of CB are to:

  • develop capacity to use EO-derived information among IFI staff to support their projects and outputs;
  • develop capacity to use EO-derived information among CS government staff to support their work on development projects;
  • develop technical capacity in organisations in CS to provide geographic, environmental, meteorological/hydrological/geological/oceanographic or other EO-derived information;
  • deliver and maintain a set of CB activities and material, ensuring the long-term application of EO data and services within the current practices of IFIs and regional users.

All above points are sharing the same target to enable the sustainable and autonomous application and use of the provided services and data.

CB activities will be designed and built upon the current ability of stakeholders to effectively use, understand, and interpret EO-based information and the provided platform. This shall include the consideration of at least the following elements:

  • Awareness, acceptance and understanding of EO-based information services and the associated benefits, impacts and usefulness in general and with respect to the specific priorities of the stakeholders.
  • Experience in accessing and using EO-based information services, including limitations and/or difficulties to do so.
  • Capabilities to use service cluster products.

This web-page will be an evolving site sharing all the developments on CB. Significant changes are expected after the final selection of services, regions, and stakeholders.

Capacity Building activities

The main CB intervention will include a combination of regional workshops (either at IFI premises and/or specific countries – CS) and online webinar/learning courses providing applied exercises on EO-based data/services and interactive sessions. Each regional workshop will be carried out over two days, with the aim of transferring technical information and hands-on experience of selected EO-based services addressing specific regional (project) needs.

In addition, the theme and content of the CB workshops will be agreed in advance with ESA and organized in collaboration with the IFIs, ensuring the participation of local stakeholders from national organizations knowledgeable about EO-based data and services. For all CB activities the participants’ knowledge and current capacity levels will be captured, allowing the adjustment and the preparation of the appropriate exercises and material. Apart from the specific services, participants will be informed about topics such as satellite capacities, downloading data, and information along with the workflow of generating EO derived information.

These activities are aimed at training EO and GIS stakeholders to increase their capacity levels to apply/use EO-based data and products in their operational procedures. Hence, all CB activities aim to improve the human and institutional capacity at the country/regional levels by providing training for EO/GIS professionals to assist them in fulfilling their operational functions.

EO4SD CR will use tried-and-tested tools to effectively engage with and build EO capacities to stakeholders.

Dedicated communications and promotional materials (e.g. Infographics, Presentations, Social media content, Information briefs, EO Service Portfolio, Website etc.);

  1. Workshop information pack (Handbook);
  2. Interactive exercises;
  3. Web-based materials such as guides, short videos, tutorials (incl. screencast videos);
  4. Dedicated webinars;
  5. Post-event support.

Capacity Building planned activities

All the planned CB activities will be reported along with valuable information for the relevant stakeholders. A table will be provided as soon as there are definite CB activities stemming from EO4SD CR cluster. The table will provide information about the:

  1. Event Category: Regional Workshop, On-demand webinar; Live training webinar; Massive open online courses; On demand training; On-site training Technical support
  2. Status: Planned; Completed
  3. Number of Participants
  4. Date
  5. Location
  6. Participant Capability level: 4 level of participants are envisaged ( 1 - Non-Technical user, 2 - New or potential user with training in EO, 3 - Competent user of EO, 4 - Highly technically competent user)