Introductory webinar identifies entry points for EO-based tools and services across IFAD’s portfolio of projects


Last week, the European Space Agency’s Earth Observation for Sustainable Development (EO4SD) Climate Resilience Cluster delivered an introductory webinar to the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD). The purpose of the webinar was to showcase how the EO4SD CR Cluster’s capabilities may be leveraged by the Fund’s staff to enhance the climate resilience of the Fund’s projects at various stages of the project lifecycle.

Demonstrating how EO data have helped to inform decision-making processes in the area of climate change adaptation, the example success stories covered the assessment and monitoring of three climatic hazards: a) Drought, b) Wildfires, and c) Floods.

The webinar furnished over thirty-five participants with:

  • Essential Climate Variables where Earth Observation can significantly contribute to facilitating the Fund’s resilience-building actions, and;
  • An indicative list of potential EO-based services that the EO4SD CR Cluster can provide.

Webinar participants highlighted new opportunities to leverage the Cluster’s capabilities, including at the investment preparation and evaluation stages. Moving forward, the Cluster will work closely alongside IFAD to better understand these newly identified needs and develop relevant tools and services that meet these needs.

Listen to the full presentation and view the slidepack here.

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