Webinar Series 1: Module 2

02. The how, when, and why of using  EO data in climate resilience decision-making.
Showcase 1: Agricultural livelihoods & water


  • Anna Burzykowska, ESA Technical Officer
  • Oliver Mundy, Environment and Climate Specialist, International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)
  • Lydia Messling, Communications Consultant, Acclimatise
  • Anestis Trypitsidis, Research Associate & PM, National Observatory of Athens

Date: 18 June 2020

You can download the webinar summary here




    Webinar aims

    As one of the most climate-dependent sectors, agriculture can be highly vulnerable to the impacts of both slow-onset climate change and increasing frequency of high-magnitude events. In highly agriculture dependent economies, climate impacts can elevate risks of food insecurity, loss of livelihoods and export revenue, and heightened competition among water users (among others). All of these can elevate both social and macroeconomic instability that place constraints on  prosperity and development.

    This webinar aims to introduce the use and benefits of EO-derived data and services in climate resilience decision making in the agriculture and water sectors.


    Webinar learning outcomes

    • Be familiarised with how to use EO-derived information,
    • Understand how EO data may be mainstreamed into decision-making processes throughout the project lifecycle in the agriculture and water sectors
    • Understand how EO data are used in building investment cases for resilience
    • Learn from real use cases that draw on the Cluster's work developing soil erosion, land instability, and climate data to inform IFAD's pastoral livelihoods programme in Kyrgyzstan and elsewhere


    Webinar content

    • Introduction to  the use and benefits of EO-derived data and services in climate resilience decision making in the agriculture and water sectors 
    • Showcase of how EO can support decisions at different phases of the project cycle (e.g. Identification, Preparation, Appraisal, Implementation and Supervision, Evaluation etc.) in agriculture and water activities
    • Decription of key EO-driven bioclimatic indicators (such number of frost days and rainfall return period data) provided by the cluster and other agencies that can undergird decision making


    Difficulty level



    Prerequisites for the webinar

    • Basic knowledge of earth observation 
    • Basic knowledge of climate change
    • Good knowledge of investment projects


    Further readings and resources

    • EO4SD CR Capacity building Material, Link. 
    • EO4SD CR Capacity Building Material - No 8: Using climate-related EO data in decision-making, Link.


    Presentation material

    Please download all presentations from the following, Link. 


    Recording of the webinar

    Please click in the window below to play the video recorded during the webinar

    If you want to download the video, please click here.


    About the EO4SD Climate Resilience Cluster

    Earth Observation for Sustainable Development (EO4SD) is an ESA initiative that aims to increase the uptake of EO-based information in development operations at national and international levels. The EO4SD Climate Resilience Cluster aims to help development partners upgrade their tools and skills in order to accomplish their climate resilience obejctives.

    You can download the webinar summary here