Webinar Series 1: Module 4

04. Water world: How EO data is deepening our knowledge of flood risk and water resource management


  • François Kayitakire - Director of Research and Development, African Risk Capacity (ARC) Agency
  • Manu Sharma - Multilateral Investement Guarantee Agency (MIGA)
  • Norman Kiesslich - Senior Project Manager, GeoVille
  • Mohamad Nobakht - Senior Earth Observation System Engineer, Telespazio Vega UK

Date: 2 July 2020

You can download the webinar summary here




    Webinar aims

    Earth Observation (EO) data and services are vital tools for the water sector, supporting flood events, and wetland inventory status in rural and urban areas. EO provides valuable information (Flood extent, historical flood events etc.) with the aim to assist authorities to prepare the most effective actions to manage flood risk and develop plans to tackle disasters.
    The aim of this webinar is to present in detail how Earth Observation data with different spatial and temporal resolution can contribute to Flood risk, Water and Wetness management.  


    Webinar learning outcomes

    • To be informed of Cluster's Global Flood index, based on ERA5 precipitation data and Global Active Archive of Large Flood Events
    • To be informed of Cluster's Wetland & Water Monitoring Service with the use of high resolution (10-20m) data (Sentinel-1 & 2) identifying surface wetness and water bodies


    Webinar content

    • Introduction to the service
    • Introduction to Extreme Value Analysis
    • EO4SD-CR Precipitation Return Level products
    • EO4SD-CR Historical Rainfall Explorer
    • Showcase innovative water monitoring solutions based on state of the art satellite/EO technology
    • Specifically surface water and wetness variability over space and time will be adressed
    • Identification of short and medium-term trends by using a dense time series of high resolution EO data


    Difficulty level



    Prerequisites for the webinar

    • Basic knowledge of statistics and probability distributions
    • Basic knowledge of Python would be beneficial, but not necessary
    • Basic knowledge of Earth Observation
    • Basic knowledge of Climate Change
    • Interest in water ressource management


    Further readings and resources

    • EO4SD CR Capacity building Material, Link.
    • EO4SD-CR Delivery_Document_Precipitation_Return_Level_ERA5_v2.0, Link.
    • Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) (2017): ERA5: Fifth generation of ECMWF atmospheric reanalyses of the global climate . Copernicus Climate Change Service Climate Data Store (CDS), date of access, Link.
    • NASA: Generalized Extreme Value Distribution and Calculation of Return Value, Link.
    • Wikipedia Generalized Extreme Value Distribution, Link.


    Presentation material

    Please download all presentations from the following, Link. 

    Recording of the webinar

    If you want to download the video, please click here.


    About the EO4SD Climate Resilience Cluster

    Earth Observation for Sustainable Development (EO4SD) is an ESA initiative that aims to increase the uptake of EO-based information in development operations at national and international levels. The EO4SD Climate Resilience Cluster aims to help development partners upgrade their tools and skills in order to accomplish their climate resilience obejctives.

    You can download the webinar summary here